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Stock Product Formulations

Anti-Aging Massage Oil


Ingredients: CO2 extracts of Baccopa, ashwagandha, sida cordifolia, shankhpuspi, hemidesmus indicus, boerhavia diffusa, cyperus rotundus, licorise, shatavari, and oils of sesame seed & lavender.

Content Woman
Aphrodisiac Massage Oil


Ingredients: CO2 extracts of aswagandha, mucuna, tribulus terrestris, ambrette musk, cardamom, sida cordifolia, cinnamon and oils of ylang ylang, rose geranium, & sesame seed.

Red Wine
Cellulite Massage Oil


Ingredients: CO2 extracts of guggul, coleus forscoli, cyperus rotundus, tribulus terrestris, licorice, cinnamon, ginger, hemidesmus indicus, sida cordifolia, fennel, and oils of lemongrass & sesame seed.

Natural Beauty
Calming Massage Oil


Ingredients: CO2 extracts of sida cordifolia, eclipta prostrata, vitex negundo, and oils of lemongrass, & sesame seed.

Rock Maze
Green Tea Masque


Ingredients: Aloe gel and CO2 extracts of green tea, neem leaf, pomegranate, and oils of rose geranium, & bitter orange.

Natural Ingredient face Mask
Neem Cream & Aloe


Aloe gel, CO2 extracts of neem leaf and hemidesmus indicus &, mint essential oil.

Lingerie Models
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